Moving with Trust

For the last 3 years I have been living in a beautiful community home in Hout Bay. My time here has been transformative beyond words and I have grown so much.
I am grateful and reflect now on:
- The people I have met
- The connections I have formed
- The nature walks I have discovered
- The coffee shops I have sat and ate at
- The projects that I have been involved with
- The hours of dancing I have danced
- The classes, workshops and trainings I have run
- My dog who I adopted and my time with her here
- More of my life purpose that has unfolded
The transformation I have witnessed in others and myself
My home, called Alchemy – has done its job!
…and Just as strong as the guidance and path led me to this home, the path is now showing me in a powerful and strong way, that it’s time for Change again…
Change has sometimes been quite scary for me, but this time around, I am feeling an Immense Trust and Knowingness which inspires me.
I am actually feeling an awe-inspiring sense of excitement and curiosity in how life is unfolding.
I can feel my level of Service and wanting to step into more of my Authentic Truth and Expression is Here.
One brave step at a time….
Thank you Alchemy! Thank you to Kelly, Lara and all the people I have lived with here, who have supported me and been part of this epic and adventurous journey of self-discovery and mastery that I am on.
I look forward to sharing more in the weeks to come.
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